Wednesday, 26 June 2013

                 From the ARROWSA Bechet team going to Derry.  

                      Thanks for the continuing support!

Bheki, Kholakele and Mary would like to thank all who have helped, so far, to raise             funds towards their trip to the arts for peace congress in Derry 2013! 
The staff of Bechet High School!
Their fellow ARROWSA Bechet students!


The DUT Jewellery students and staff!
The PNR committee and Ethekwini Natural Resources!
The ARROWSA management team!
CCMS, UKZN staff and students!
Their parents, family and friends!
We look forward to making you all proud and sharing what we have learnt when we return.




Preparing for performing at the Indra Derry global youth Congress

Bheki, Kholakele and Mary drove around Durban taking photographs that the youth believed reflected the positive aspects of South Africa and Durban. They also took photos that symbolised the challenges that South Africa faces.  The images will be used as a visual background to their presentation on Cooling Conflict in Derry.