Tuesday, 13 December 2016

ARROWSA Palmiet Nature Reserve educational programmes article in the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology School of Media and Communication Bulletin

Shared below is a link to an article written by Mary Lange and Luthando Ngema on the Palmiet Nature Reserve and the work done by ARROWSA there. The article was featured in the Communication for Development Bulletin Issue 2 by the School of Media and Communication at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

You can download this Bulletin (or the previous issue) from the website of the Digital Ethnography Research Centre: http://digital-ethnogr aphy.com/publications/

Miliswa Magongo
ARROWSA Head: Media Portfolio

The ARROWSA educational programmes to the Palmiet Nature Reserve and the Bergtheil Museum will continue in 2017.  For more information or to make bookings contact Mary at marylange@telkomsa.net / 0826527091