ARROWSA is excited to host
The INDRA Congress Pathways
on 2 to 8 July 2018 in Durban
Would you like to be a supporter of this arts for peace event?
Were you an ARROWSA participant who went overseas or within South Africa to participate in ARROW of INDRA Congresses and would you like to reciprocate the kindness of our hosts overseas or nationally by contributing funds for the congress accommodation and food of participants from Derry (Northern Ireland), Sierra Leone, India, Northern and Western Cape, UK, Nigeria, Greece, Palestine and Germany?
Contact Mary or Bheki at
To see what Indra Congress is about go to
Bheki Dlamini, ARROWSA Bechet co-ordinator and
ARROWSA alumni Kholekela Zikhali appear in the video from when they attended the Indra Congress in Derry, Northern Ireland.