Tuesday 5 February 2013

ARROWSA Research Portfolio Report

by Dr Lauren Dyll-Myklebust



June – Dec 2012


The following activities and progress has taken place:


Biesje Poort (BP) Research / Project

Publications and presentations/lectures

·         Lange, M., Magongo, M. & Barnabas, S. (forthcoming) Biesje Poort rock engravings, Northern Cape: Past and Present. In Skotnes, P. & Deacon, J. (ed.), The Courage of ||Kabbo. Paper presented at the Courage of ||Kabbo Conference at UCT, 17-20 August 2011 to be published in conference proceedings.


·         15 Oct 2012 Miliswa Magongo presented paper, Ripples of Empowerment? Exploring the role of participatory development communication in the Biesje Poort Rock Art Recording Project at the African Centredness Conference hosted by the School of Applied Human Sciences, UKZN.


·         5 Oct 2012 Miliswa Magongo guest lectured for 3rd year Cultural Heritage and Tourism students at UKZN using the BP project as a case study highlighting the importance of community involvement in development projects.


·         19 Oct 2012 Shanade Barnabas guest lectured for 3rd year Cultural Heritage and Tourism students at UZKN: "Rock art: Conservation and Tourism".


2nd phase

October: Funding awarded from National Heritage Council (NHC) for: Biesje Poort, Northern Cape, Rock Art Book: A Learning Process.


·         to disseminate knowledge of the Biesje Poort rock art and surrounding areas.

·         provide opportunities for initial Biesje Poort team members (who promote multi-racial/cultural/academic disciplinary representativity) to gain skills in research, report writing and editing. 


26 November: Mary Lange and Lauren Dyll-Myklebust attended a NHC Advocacy Workshop. 


ARROWSA archaeological educational programmes and research

Proposal submitted (by Mary Lange) to and funding awarded by Trans-Vaal branch of the South African Archaeological Society for a 6 months pilot project.


·         Marketing and presenting the archaeological educational programmes at the Palmiet Nature Reserve and Bergtheil Museum to schools specifically from the township areas adjacent to Westville (Clermont and Chesterville).

·         Research and evaluation of the process (fitting with ARROWSA's participatory action research) > will become a research site for CCMS Development, Communication and Culture students in Feb 2013.


CCMS Masters Research


1.       Prestage Murima: “Assessing teenagers’ knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards teenage pregnancy. The case of Bechet High School”

·         Prestage proposal and ethics has been approved by the Higher Degree Committee (HDC).


2.       Miliswa Magongo: “Ripples of Empowerment? Exploring the role of participatory development communication in Biesje Poort Rock Art Recording”


·         October: Miliswa was awarded “Best Abstract” at the School of Applied Human Sciences “African Centredness” Conference.

·         November:  Miliswa submitted her MA dissertation for examination.

DCC Honours Projects

The 3 topics linked to ARROWSA’s affiliated projects and organisations all were all examined and passed well.

·         Danielle Evans:  Unearthing the current cultural heritage tourism marketing strategy: Palmiet Archaeological Community Project Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, as a cultural heritage tourism site”

·         Dumisani Mthethwa:  “Analysing the role that indigenous Knowledge and heritage play in participatory development communication: A case study of ARROWSA: Art, Culture & Heritage for Peace project at Bechet High School 

·         Sandisa Nyokana: “Participation Communication in Applied Theatre: An analysis of POPPETS (Program of Primary Prevention Education Through Stories) conducted by the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal”.


Publication of research with ARROWSA

Research conducted with / at ARROWSA affiliated projects and supervised by Mary Lange has been published in:

Govender, E. and Durden, E. (2012) (eds.) Investigating Communication, Health and Development: 10 Years of Research in the Centre for Communication, Media and Society. South Africa: Jacana Media.

·         Van Staden et al (2005/2012) Arrow Online.

·         Khan and Rasool (2005/2012) “Pieces of me”: An investigation into the use of still images in an Entertainment Education context in overcoming stereotypes.

·         Reddy et al (2009/2012) Painting the problem: Body mapping as a participatory Entertainment Education tool in helping youth learn about conflict resolution.

·         Mthiyane (2010/2012) A Song for Social Change: An ARROWSA Intervention at Bechet High School and the communication for participatory development (CFPD) model.



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