Sunday, 25 May 2014

Book Launch 


Handover to the National Heritage Council funders

at the Duggan-Cronin Gallery, Mc Gregor Museum Kimberley on 16 May 2014

A very successful book launch and handover to the NHC funders was hosted by McGregor Museum, Kimberley. The attendance of the Kalahari Participants attendance was facilitated by ARROWSA who wrote the funding proposal for the original research and the book publication and co-ordinated the project. Many of the research team were present including the five Kalahari participants and it was wonderful to catch up with everyone once more. Unfortunately not the entire book team could be present and they were missed, particularly the representatives without whom the physical publishing of the book would not have been possible, such as Liana Muller-Jansen, Carine Muller, Petrus Jansen, Lizet Verwoerd, Pedro  Dausab, Schalk Le Roux and Nico Botes.

Photo by Prof Roger Fisher

The book team meet up once more at the launch.  Lef to right Prof Keyan Tomaselli (CCMS, UKZN); Dr Lauren Dyll-Myklebust (ARROWSA, CCMS, UKZN); Belinda Org, Oeliset Jan Org (Kalahari participants); Koot Msawula (Mc Gregor Museum); Mary Lange (ARROWSA, CCMS, UKZN); Klein Dawid //ankie Kruiper, Lydia Lys Kruiper, Izak Kruiper (Kalahari Participants); Dr David Morris (McGregor Museum); Prof Emeritus Roger Fisher (UP)

Dr Dyll-Myklebust, ARROWSA research portfolio and CCMS, UKZN lecturer, contributed to the book as an author.  She is accompanied by CCMS, UKZN students.

Photos by Prof Roger Fisher

Stella Ndhlazi of the National Heritage Council                Dr David Morris, archaeologist, editor and author, 
greets book contributors and authors Jan Oeliset              addresses the launch audience.
Org and Belinda Org.

Prof Keyan Tomaselli, CCMS, UKZN - editor and author

Klein Dawid //ankie, //khomani contributor to the book

                                Photos by Prof Roger Fisher

//Khomani contributors, Izak Kruiper and                                     Ms Stella Ndhlazi, National Heritage 
Jan Oeliset Org addressed the audience.                                      Council, funders of the book.
Jan Oeliset spoke in Nama and Izak translated
into Afrikaans.

Prof Emeritus, University of Pretoria, editor, author and co-funder sits in the Protea Hotel Kimberley (who co-sponsored the Kalahari team's accommodation) prior to going to the launch at the McGregor Museum. Prof Fisher's support of the project was immense as not only was he an author, editor and translator but he provided transport for various stages of the book's research and publication phases and he was a major drive in both the editing and printing phases of the book.

Photos below by Dr Lauren Dyll-Myklebust

Koot Msawula, Mc Gregor Museum, greets Lydia and Izak Kruiper, //Khomani contributors.

Tessa Toerien, author from University of Cape Town, with Prof Keyan Tomaselli, CCMS, UKZN, editor and author and Mary Lange, ARROWSA, editor and author.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

When I am born tomorrow (infant to mom)                       by Darnell Fortune (ARROWSA Bechet)

May 19, 2014 at 10:50pm
When I Am Born Tomorrow
I shall take my first breath of air
My lungs will swell
My heart will race
And i shall let out a cry
A cry to the world for i am alive
You shall hold me in your arms
and comfort me
As i am your child
Your gift from God :)

Mama when i am born tomorrow
I want you to tell the whole family
I want to see all their faces when i first open my eyes
Every aunt, uncle, cousin and sibling must be present
I want the warmest welcome!

When I am born tomorrow
I want you to cherish the moment
No matter how much pain i've caused you
Just remember that i am here
Finaly :)
And that i am your hope
Your faith
Your blood
Your every being
I am you

Mama When i am born tomorrow
Do not reject me but love me
Do not regret me but embrace the fact that i am here
Do not fear
I am no enemy
I am your identity
You throw me away and you throw yourself away

Mama When i am born tomorrow
Know that i too am a living human being
I have a future ahead of me
Whether it be bright or not
I will take it with open arms
They may be tiny now
but ill grow big and strong
And when i start to resemble you
Don't look away
You are beautiful

When i am born tomorrow
Ill be stronger than i am today
Wiser than i was yesterday
And happier than i ever was
I will take the world no matter how small
For my brain has no idea of the emotion called fear

Mama When i am born tomorrow
Just love me
Love me more than the love that created me
Just love me!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

ARROWSA Bechet goes forward in leaps and bounds!

Under Bheki Dlamini's enthusiastic facilitation dress rehearsals for Imbewu Yesizwe 11 took place this week towards school performances in mid May and a public performance end of May.  

ARROWSA Bechet welcomes the new Bechet High ARROWSA liaison, Michelle McClachlan to work with ARROWSA Bechet coordinator Bhekithemba Dlamini.