Monday 2 June 2014

Imbewu Yesizwe II directed by Bheki Dlamini performed for an enthusiastic Bechet High School by ARROWSA Bechet

The National Arts Council and community including the staff of Bechet High School provided funding for ARROWSA representatives including Bechet High teacher and ARROWSA Bechet coordinator, Bhekithemba Dlamini, to attend the Derry Indra international Congress in 2013.  At the congress Bheki showcased extracts from the play Imbewu Yesizwe: The Nation's Seed which he co-wrote with Luthando Ngema, Tshimanga Tsheteya and Darnell Fortune.  Inspired by the international experience and training received there Bheki came back to Durban, South Africa to take over as ARROWSA Bechet coordinator from Mary Lange and he rehearsed and performed Imbewu Yesizwe: The Nation's Seed for Bechet High School and the public.  In 2014 Bheki went further and co-wrote a sequel namely Imbewu Yesizwe II which was performed by ARROWSA Bechet in May 2014 for Bechet High School Grades 8 to 11 and will be performed for a visiting Indra group from Lucknow, India and the general public later in the year.
Learners across all grades responded enthusiastically to the play Imbewu Yesizwe II.  Bechet High School teachers reported their appreciation of the play and its message of forgiveness. 

Bheki has built up the ARROWSA Bechet group to over 40 talented  participants including some of the oldies such as Darnell and Tsheteya.  The group attended rehearsals diligently even during holiday breaks and assisted  Bheki in choreography, script development and singing direction.

Bheki also performed in Imbewu Yesizwe II both as the narrator and a dancer much to the appreciation of the audience. 

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