Wednesday, 20 June 2012

ARROWSA Research Portfolio Report

by Lauren Dyll-Myklebust
Jan -June 2012

The following activities and progress has taken place:

Biesje Poort (BP) Research / Project

April 2012
Proposal submitted: to National Heritage Council (NHC) for: Biesje Poort, Northern Cape, Rock Art Book: A Learning Process.
1)  to disseminate knowledge of the Biesje Poort rock art and surrounding areas
2) provide opportunities for initial Biesje Poort team members (who promote multi-racial/cultural/academic disciplinary representativity) to gain skills in research, report writing and editing. 

BP project has been used as an example of multivocality in research in forthcoming publication by CCMS staff:
Tomaselli, Dyll-Myklebust & van Grootheest (forthcoming) Personal/Political Interventions via Autoethnography: Dualisms, Knowledge, Power and Performativity in Research Relations, In Stacy Homan Jones, Tony E. Adams & Carolyn Ellis, The Handbook of Autoethography. Left Coast Books.

CCMS Masters Research
1)      New MA research on ARROWSA affiliated project/organisation:

Prestage Murima: “Assessing teenagers’ knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards teenage pregnancy. The case of Bechet High School”

Prestage has presented at the CCMS research seminar and has submitted her proposal and ethics form to the Higher Degree Committee.

2)      Continuing MA research on ARROWSA affiliated project/organisation:

Miliswa Magongo: “Ripples of Empowerment? Exploring the role of participatory development communication in Biesje Poort Rock Art Recording”

Miliswa is likely to complete her dissertation this year.

Development Communication and Culture Honours Projects
There have been 3 topics linked to ARROWS affiliated projects and organisations. All projects have been submitted and in the process of examination:

Danielle Evans:  “Unearthing the current cultural heritage tourism marketing strategy: Palmiet Archaeological Community Project Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, as a cultural heritage tourism site”

Dumisani  Mthethwa:  “Analysing the role that indigenous Knowledge and heritage play in participatory development communication: A case study of ARROWSA: Art, Culture & Heritage for Peace project at Bechet High School”   

Sandisa Nyokana: “Participation Communication in Applied Theatre: An analysis of POPPETS (Program of Primary Prevention Education Through Stories) conducted by the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal”.

Sunday, 17 June 2012



Msunduzi Museum (Pietermaritzburg) invited us to present a workshop for a group of youth at the Oribi Village Pietermaritzburg for Youth Day.  The workshop took place on the 14th June in the afternoon at the South African Vroue Federasie (SAVF) community hall at Oribi Village and we were not sure quite what to expect.  

The group of youth was a bit younger than what we anticipated and we worked outside on the lawn but we still had a lovely time with the energetic children.  The Msunduzi staff also attended, including their director and deputy director as well as some of the SAVF staff who gave the group food after the workshop .

As always Kaya of Msunduzi was very welcoming and did his best to make us feel welcome and at ease.

The programme that we presented was as follows - with some adaptations due to the limited concentrations span of some of the young ones:

1.       Intro – Mary, Gogo and Luthando – theme of movement  and dance in culture for unity and fun!

2.       Warm-up –Luthando – Simon says
3.       The woman and the baboon – movement in story – teach and then do in a circle – tell story with audience participation as actors and movement – Emphasis on working together and survival

4.       Hunter-Gatherers – Ostrich dance – unity in diversity -context and objectives (Mary)
Moves – Mary, Gogo and Thikwe (puppet) and ostrich egg
In pairs – outer and inner circle facing each other
5.        Herders – Nama stap – Gogo short demonstration
6.       African farmers – unity in culture -women’s role – marriage song – Gogo Umakhoti
Participants who wanted went to the centre of the circle and led the song with movements 
7.        European settlers – English  - Mary – Hokey Cokey – unity in culture across the world – Entire group in pairs – outer and inner circle – change partners with each new move

9.       City/working culture – the benifits of dance - unity in struggle – Gumboot dancing – Luthando - in a circle the participants who want to show their own favourite dances

We felt privileged to have worked with Msunduzi Museum again and especially to have worked with the Oribi youth.

ARROWSA Action Research and CCMS, UKZN

ARROWSA promotes action research on our projects so that we may reflect on our activities and address and changes that need to be made.

ARROWSA is privileged in 2012 to once more have both volunteer facilitators and research students from the Centre for Communication, Media and Society (CCMS), University of KwaZulu-Natal conduct action research on two projects.  

CCMS Masters students Luthando and Prestage are both volunteer facilitators.  Luthando is facilitating the ARROWSA Bechet sessions as well as assisting in facilitation of the culture and heritage projects e.g. at the Bergtheil Museum, Palmiet and Msuduzi programmes.  

Prestage has enthusiastically assisted in facilitation of and participated in the ARROWSA Bechet sessions this year and is facilitating a link with schools in Zimbabwe.

CCMS Honours student, Dumisani conducted his Development, Communication and Culture (DCC) module research at ARROWSA Bechet. He was researching the role that Indigenous Knowledge (specifically dance) played in development at the Arts for Peace project at ARROWSA Bechet. Part of his research methodology included participatory research and Dumisani attended  and participated in a number of sessions.

CCMS, UKZN Honours student Danielle also conducted research at ARROWSA for her DCC module.  Danielle researched the marketing strategy of ARROWSA Culture and Heritage for Peace - Palmiet archaeological dig programme (in association with the Bergtheil Museum).

We look forward to sharing Danielle and Dumisani's research when available.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Palmiet Nature Reserve Management Committee and ARROWSA promote heritage for knowledge and peace through visits to the Gwalagwala Cliff archaeological dig and a related nature trail.


On the 23rd May 2012 at about 9:00am, 41 pupils accompanied by four teachers from the Westville Hindu School attended a field trip to the Palmiet Nature Reserve.

The scholars and teachers were split into two groups and I led one group, ably assisted by Luthando Ngema, on a short trail to the base of Phansipumula Cliff for a brief geology lesson followed by a walk around the Gwalagwala precinct where flora and fauna was discussed whilst the other group visited the archaeological dig with Mary Lange assisted by Kathlyn Lange. After a brief tea break the groups reversed positions and undertook either the trail or the visit to the dig.

The scholars then left the reserve shortly after 11:00am and proceeded to the Bergtheil Museum until 1:00pm accompanied by Mary, Luthando and Kathlyn

The school made a donation of R250.00 to the Palmiet Nature Reserve.

Whilst the crossings of the river to and from the dig site passed without incidence it again highlighted the urgent need for a bridge.

Warren Friedman. (Palmiet Nature Reserve Management Committee see