ARROWSA Research Portfolio Report
Lauren Dyll-Myklebust
The following activities and progress has
taken place:
Biesje Poort
(BP) Research / Project
April 2012
Proposal submitted:
to National Heritage Council (NHC) for: Biesje
Poort, Northern Cape, Rock Art Book: A Learning Process.
to disseminate knowledge of
the Biesje Poort rock art and surrounding areas
2) provide opportunities for initial
Biesje Poort team members (who promote multi-racial/cultural/academic
disciplinary representativity) to gain skills in research, report writing and
BP project has been used as an example of
multivocality in research in forthcoming publication by CCMS staff:
Tomaselli, Dyll-Myklebust & van Grootheest
(forthcoming) Personal/Political
Interventions via Autoethnography: Dualisms, Knowledge, Power and
Performativity in Research Relations, In Stacy Homan Jones, Tony E.
Adams & Carolyn Ellis, The
Handbook of Autoethography. Left Coast Books.
CCMS Masters
1) New
MA research on ARROWSA affiliated project/organisation:
Prestage Murima: “Assessing teenagers’ knowledge,
attitudes and perceptions towards teenage pregnancy. The case of Bechet High
Prestage has presented at the CCMS research seminar
and has submitted her proposal and ethics form to the Higher Degree Committee.
2) Continuing
MA research on ARROWSA affiliated project/organisation:
“Ripples of Empowerment? Exploring the
role of participatory development communication in Biesje Poort Rock Art
Development Communication
and Culture Honours Projects
There have been 3 topics linked to ARROWS
affiliated projects and organisations. All projects have been submitted and in
the process of examination:
Danielle Evans:
“Unearthing the current
cultural heritage tourism marketing strategy: Palmiet Archaeological Community
Project Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, as a cultural heritage tourism site”
Dumisani Mthethwa:
“Analysing the role that indigenous Knowledge
and heritage play in participatory development communication: A case study of ARROWSA: Art, Culture &
Heritage for Peace project at Bechet High School”
Sandisa Nyokana: “Participation
Communication in Applied Theatre: An analysis of POPPETS (Program of Primary
Prevention Education Through Stories) conducted by the South African National
Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal”.