Warren (PNR committee) and Frank (eThekwini)
repair the iGwalagwala dig cover
4th May 2014 08h30 to 10h30
ARROWSA, Palmiet Nature Reserve Committee and eThekwini Palmiet Nature Reserve rangers once more enjoyed a morning working together on the maintenance of the educational archaeological dig at the iGwalagwala cliff. The dig was declared a disturbed site by Amafa a number of years ago but due to the archaeological permit originally being for educational purposes the site is allowed to be maintained for educational viewing by schools and the public.
On Sunday 4th May 2014 ARROWSA chair and arts and culture facilitator, Mary, will once more lead the community archaeological trail at the PNR to the iGwalagwala cliff excavation site. The event is supported by The Local History Museums, Bergtheil Museum Westville who will display some of the new ARROWSA researched museum banner exhibits on the PNR.
Bergtheil Museum museum officer, Valentia, with the portable museum display on the Palmiet Nature Reserve and Westville surrounds archaeology as researched by ARROWSA.
This year we will be privileged to include in the trail not just ARROWSA Bechet youth once more, but also a group of Indra youth from Lucknow India. They will be visiting Durban as part of an intercultural exchange with ARROWSA as part of the extended Indra and ARROWSA global congress iniative, partially funded by the National Arts Council, which took place in Derry in 2013.
Warren (PNR Committee), Frank (eThekwini) and Jeremiah (PNR ranger) at the iGwalagwala PNR educational archaeological site. Frozen chicken bags were filled from the pile of soil previously removed
from the dig and placed to prevent further crumbling of the various
cultural level sides.

Jeremiah (eThekwini) has helped maintain the dig since it was first excavated by Amafa archaeologist Themba Zwane assisted by Mary Lange, community and local and international student volunteers.
Mary (ARROWSA) donned a 'duck' surgery mask to try and ward off the dust whilst assisting with the filling of the bags, much to the amusement of Frank and Jeremiah (eThekwini).
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A new gate is needed at the site as well as revised information and interpretative boards. ARROWSA will continue to assist with this where possible. The PNR committee, in association with communal organisations, continues with plans to erect a bridge so that more schools can enjoy
the educational aspect of the project. This will assist in the
sustainability of the school project which was boosted by funding from
the Transvaal Branch of the South African Archaeological Society in
For any further information re the PNR community walk on the 4th May 2014 email arrowsa.artpeace@gmail.com