Title: Water stories / Waterstories
Editor: Mary Lange
Published: Forthcoming 2015 UNISA Press
Binding: soft cover
Format: A4, full-colour
ISBN: 978-1- 86888-787-3
Rights available: World rights
ARROWSA is pleased to share their latest collaborative book project 'Water Stories' published by UNISA Press. The book focuses on stories about the Water Snake by Upington women, Johanna de Wee, Martha van Rooi, Elizabeth Sixaxa, Maria Malo and Noxolo Girlie Saaiman. The foreword is written by Dr David Morris, McGregor Museum; Background by Mary Lange, Artwork by Betta Steyn, Specialist language by Pedro Dausab.
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From UNISA Press:
stories is a labour of love by seven South African
women, a collection of personal histories, reminiscences and narratives about
the Gariep river and the Watersnakes that dwell there. The wellspring of their
testimonies lies in age old indigenous beliefs and practices. Traditionally,
Khoe-San women associated themselves with the watersnake in order to be 'lucky'
and ensure fecundity and good fortune for themselves and their communities.’
About the book
When Mary Lange asked a group of Upington women: ‘What
do you know about the
Water Snake?’, this triggered a set of lyrical short
stories, in an attempt to capture the myth of the Water snake. The women’s response to her question formed the basis
for the Water Stories, here published with a set of original drawings by
regional artist Betta Steyn. Nana de Wee, Maria Malo, Martha van Rooi, Girlie Saaiman
and Bessa Sixaxa became narrators – sharing with us their beliefs surrounding
the Water Snake. Religion, myth or folklore, these Water Stories provide a
glimpse into the beliefs, customs, traditions and everyday realities of these
peoples (descendants of, amongst others, the !Xam and Nguni).
The original regional Afrikaans narrations have been
supplemented by an English translation as explanation. Subject
fields include cultural studies, linguistics, religion, archaeology and
book offers Afrikaans and English text in one volume)
About the Editor:
Mary Lange chairs the ARROWSA (Art: A Resource for Reconciliation Over the World) NPO. Her research interests include oral narratives, visual anthropology, and theatre in development. Her contribution to the book includes extracts from her Masters Degree supervised by Prof Ruth Teer-Tomaselli, the Centre for Communication,Media and Society (CCMS), University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in 2011. She is presently a Phd Candidate at CCMS, UKZN.
Mary Lange chairs the ARROWSA (Art: A Resource for Reconciliation Over the World) NPO. Her research interests include oral narratives, visual anthropology, and theatre in development. Her contribution to the book includes extracts from her Masters Degree supervised by Prof Ruth Teer-Tomaselli, the Centre for Communication,Media and Society (CCMS), University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in 2011. She is presently a Phd Candidate at CCMS, UKZN.
Lange has
facilitated the collection and translation from Afrikaans to English of the
stories of six women from the Upington environment, all of whom work and live
alongside the river and who know its stories. The result is a valuable and
enduring contribution to southern African cultural studies, a resource to which
educators, researchers and scholars will be able to refer.