Tuesday, 25 January 2022

PCTW TV Monitor They stand their ground installation

Tv monitor added to the They stand their ground against gender-based violence exhibition

As part of Phone call to the world project a tv monitor was added to the They stand their ground against gender based violence exhibition hosted at the Old Court House Museum, Durban Local History Museums. ARROWSA chair Luthando Ngema  met the Durban Local History Museum staff at the exhibition and they discussed the importance of the exhibition. Videos of original work created by ARROWSA Bechet and South Roots International youth that links to the exhibition is played on the tv monitor. The tv was funded by the British Council as facilitated by Scottish Youth Theatre.

#phonecalltotheworld #togetherforourplanet #reverberation #creation #artforsocialchange

Monday, 10 January 2022

Poem by Comfort ARROWSA PCTW

Comfort, an ARROWSA Bechet participant, performs the poem that he wrote inspired by the Climate Crisis. This forms part of the Phone Call to the World project led by Scottish Youth Theatre and funded by British Council. 

Perish! drama created by ARROWSA youth PCTW

As part of the Phone Call to the World project led by Scottish Youth Theatre and funded by British Council, ARROWSA youth collaborated with South Roots International in drama workshop during the October 2021 holidays. Vincent Salanji filmed and edited a drama that the group devised based on littering. 

Dance movement Come Closer PCTW

ARROWSA youth, Angelique, Zainub, Sinenhlanhla and Aleze create a dance-movement to an original song 'Come closer' created in workshops with ARROWSA youth and South Roots International creatives during the Phone Call to the World October 2021 workshops in Durban. The song workshop was led by Sue-Livia van Wyk and is sung by Monique Mukendi, Noluthando Shandu, Sphelele, Sue Livia van Wyk and Intomibikile Khena. The song is a creative response to environment issues and is a song of inclusivity of all people - calls us to come together, inviting all to the table, and take note of what is happening. The project was led by Scottish Youth Theatre and funded by British Council. Filmed by Vincent Salanji of ARROWSA. Edited by Vincent Salanji of ARROWSA and Shanette Martin of South Roots International. The sound engineer was Brendan Nicholls

Monday, 3 January 2022


David Oddie, founder of ARROW and Indra, 

and former director writes of the passing of 

Archbishop Emeritus Tutu                    

and how he influenced the beginnings of 


 The latest news from The Indra Congress
 The Indra Collective

A network of artists, educators and others sharing a commitment to use the arts as a resource for conflict transformation and to help young people navigate their way through challenging situations and settings.

Dear Friends of Indra

Desmond Tutu.  Died Dec 26th 2021

Desmond Tutu was the  inspiration for the  original ARROW programme (Art: a Resource for 
Reconciliation Over the World) in 2003.  His courageous, deeply moral stance against apartheid 
in South Africa made him a legend in his own lifetime, his voice reverberating around the world 
denouncing racist injustice. He was willing to put his life on the line again and again in standing 
up for what he believed was right.  He supported the BDS campaign as a non-violent means to 
enable racist South Africa wake up and become aware of the self-defeating stupidity of apartheid, 
as well as its immoral foundations and practice.

After the collapse of the apartheid regime, President Mandela asked him to lead the Truth and 
Reconciliation Committee, which involved Tutu listening day by day, sometimes in floods of tears, 
to the stories of people whose lives had been cruelly devastated.  For Tutu, reconciliation was not 
a simple, easy letting go, it was a profound struggle which understood that acknowledgement and 
acceptance were  the first but necessary steps in moving forward.

The Truth and Reconciliation hearings provided a platform for deep listening, for the sharing of 
people’s stories and experiences of the apartheid years.  This initiative inspired the vision and founding 
intention of ARROW; to explore how the arts could provide a non-violent resource for reconciliation 
and conflict transformation. 

One of the proudest days of my life was the opening of the Desmond Tutu Centre on the campus of 
what is now Marjon University. Although Tutu himself was unable to attend, Mary Lange and some 
of the ARROWSA group went to Cape Town to interview ‘the Arch’, a memorable experience for them 
all. The management of Marjon at the time had understood the symbolic relevance of Tutu in relation 
to the Marjon mission – an understanding, sadly, not shared by ensuing administrative regimes.

In later years Tutu’s moral voice still echoed around the world.  He was deeply distressed on visiting 
Israel and Palestine, commenting ‘that at least the white apartheid regime wanted us for our labour’.  
As years earlier he had supported the BDS campaign in South Africa, he now voiced his support for 
the BDS campaign in Palestine.  As he memorably put it, ‘to be neutral in a situation of injustice is to 
choose the side of the oppressor.’

As well as the serious intention to provide a platform for sharing stories, celebration and fun have 
been major components of various ARROW/Indra Congress events over the years; resonating with 
Tutu’s infectious laughter and irrepressible humour, a trait he shared with that other icon of spiritual 
and moral courage, the Dalai Lama.

The world is indeed a better place for Desmond Tutu living here.

David Oddie
Dec 2021