Sunday, 31 December 2017

Revisiting 2017

ARROWSA management wish all a Blessed and peaceful 2018! Thanks to all who have supported and participated in the ARROWSA programmes and projects in 2017.


Twice weekly arts for social change sessions led by the enthusiastic dependable Mr Bheki Dlamini took place at Bechet High School.



The weekly arts for social change sessions culminated in productions at Bechet High School for students, for a farewell for the vice principal Mr Williams, for the eThekwini Local History Museum's Abasha Bash Competition and the end of the year awards evening.


Weekly sessions included workshops with international practitioners from Indra Congress, Plymouth, UK and from Bremen, Germany.  The latter was facilitated by Mohau Qalaza part of a partnership with eThekwini Local History Museum's intercultural exchange linked to the Abasha Bash, Passbook Competition.

International visitors were also hosted at workshops in partnership with the Palmiet Nature Reserve Committee, South Roots in Worcester and District Six Museum, Cape Town.




Further collaboration continued with research linked to CCMS, UKZN and Culture and Media Department, UKZN, working towards a 2018 exhibition with DUT Arts and Jewellery Design and ongoing heritage archive with

We are excited for the Indra Congress - Pathways to be hosted by ARROWSA in Durban from the 2nd to the 8th July 2018!

Monday, 31 July 2017

Sunday, 19 February 2017

United Kingdom theatre and dance performers, Alix Harris and Jules Laville, funded by the British Arts Council, exchange skills with ARROWSA Bechet - February 2017.

Alix Harris, theatre performer, script writer and theatre for social development facilitator initiated the exchange with ARROWSA. The trip was facilitated by ARROWSA chair, Mary Lange. Alix, Jules, Bhekithemba, Luthando Ngema and Mary Lange had worked together previously at Indra Congresses in Plymouth, United Kingdom and Alix had been part of a skills exchange previously with ARROWSA Bechet that was funded by the National Arts Council SA.  The ARROWSA Bechet leg of the 2017 trip was co-ordinated by ARROWSA management and Bechet High School teacher Bhekithemba Dlamini and the exchange with UKZN drama department by ARROWSA management and UKZN lecturer Miranda Young-Jahangeer.


Alix and Jules watched ARROWSA Bechet devised performances on the 7th  February 2017.  The ARROWSA Bechet participants performed fusion dances as well as songs that they had composed themselves.

Approximately 100 participants attended the ARROWSA Bechet workshops on the 7th and 9th February 2017. Alix focused on the text and physical theatre aspect of the workshop that she and Jules led on the 9th February 2017 at ARROWSA Bechet. 

Jules focused on the dance aspect of the workshop that introduced ensemble dance which combined  with the vocal exercises and warm up games introduced by Alix provided the ARROWSA Bechet with fresh approaches and additional performance skills.

ARROWSA Bechet 2016 Certificate Ceremony

ARROWSA Bechet, led by Mr Bhekithemba Dlamini hosted their  entertaining, moving and inspiring 2016 certificate ceremony at the end of the school term. The event was attended by ARROWSA Bechet family, friends, Bechet staff and ARROWSA management.

The ARROWSA Bechet group performed extracts from their devised production '1955' scripted and directed by Mr Dlamini that focuses on the activist role that the school learners and educators played towards the downfall of apartheid. Costumes and dance routines in the production fused the diverse cultures represented within the ARROWSA Bechet group.

The learners also performed their own devised and directed programme on child and teenager abuse based on personal experience.   The programme specifically focused on the empowerment of young abused women.

Certificates and awards were handed to ARROWSA Bechet participants for dedication and exceptional performance.

ARROWSA chair, Mary Lange, was presented a humanitarian trophy and Certificate for outstanding dedication by Bechet High School.